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Plan A Visit
We believe that we are so much better when we are together. So here are a few of the main times we gather.
9:45 AM-12:15 PM- Kids Connection is the place where every child can have fun learning about Jesus, singing some great songs, playing some fun games, and making friends.
9:45-10:45 AM - Join a new Growth Group. Click here to sign up.
11:00 AM - This is a time to gather together to worship the Lord, sing, celebrate, and reflect on how Jesus is at work in and around us.
Wednesday (from September to May)
6:15 PM - Dinner is served for all the kids and their families.
7:00 PM - This is a great mid-week connection for kids, students and families to help get through the week. There's something for all ages.
Bethany Events
Bethany Church in Clinton Township Michigan is searching for a Youth Director who has a passion for young people and a vision for reaching and equipping the next generation (6th-12th grade). Bethany is an exciting church located in the greater metro Detroit area impacting both the community and the outlying areas. We are located in a neighborhood in need of Christ and we desire to build an exciting church that worships God in Spirit and in Truth and that reaches the community both spiritually and physically.
Please Click HERE to see full job description and fill out an application.