Our Mission

Bethany exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ who love God, love others, and serve both.

Read Matthew 28:16-20, Matt. 22:36-40, and 1 Peter 4:10-11 to see what inspires this mission.

Our Values

• Obey Scripture

The Bible is the foundation on which all our values are built. God’s inerrant and infallible Word is our source of authority and truth. As followers of Christ, God expects us to not only read, hear and know His Scripture, but more importantly, to prayerfully live it out. (1 Sam. 15:22; 2 Tim. 3:16-17, James 1:22, 1 Thes. 5:17)


• Worship God

Every moment we live should be a reflection of our worship. Worship is a moment by moment way of life, not just an event on Sunday morning. (Rom. 12:1-2, John 4:23-24)


• Value Everyone

Every person is uniquely designed by God. Therefore each person is valuable to God. What is valuable to God is valuable to us. We desire to encourage all people to get to know God personally and to grow to become more like Christ because all people matter to God. (Rom. 1:16-17, Psalm 139:13-16)


• Build Community

We need each other for encouragement, growth and accountability on our life’s journey. Connecting through meaningful relationships in an authentic biblical community is essential for every Christ follower. As members of Christ’s body, the church, we belong to one another. (Acts 2:42-47, John 13:34-35, Rom. 15:1-7)


• Live Generously

All that we are and have belongs to God. Out of all that God has given us, we desire to share it with others for their benefit and blessing. This not only includes our treasure, but our time and talents as well. (Eph. 4:11-16, 1 Cor. 12:12-27, 2 Cor. 9:6-8)


• Serve Others

Every follower of Christ experiences a moment when they are saved by Him. At that point, we are equipped to serve. In fact, God is worshipped when we serve others, both inside and outside the church. This posture of service not only brings personal fulfillment, but it encourages others and brings glory to God. (1 Peter 4:10-11)

What We Believe


The Bible is God’s inspired, inerrant Word and is the standard for all areas of life and faith. 


There is only one living and true God. He is the Creator, Redeemer, Preserver, and Ruler of the universe. God reveals Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


A special creation of God, made in His own image. By his free choice man sinned against God and brought sin into the world, and separated man from God. Only the grace of God can bring man back into fellowship with Him.


Regeneration, or the new birth, is a work of God's grace whereby believers become new creations in Christ Jesus. It is offered freely to all who by faith accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and His personal sacrifice for sin on the Cross, and His     Resurrection.


We are justified and regenerated by the gracious purpose of God. By God’s grace our salvation is secured for eternity.



(or ‘Body of Christ’) The Church includes all of the redeemed of all the ages, believers from every “tribe, and tongue, and    people, and nation”. A Local Church is an autonomous local    congregation of believers under the Lordship of Christ.


Last Things

In His own time, Jesus Christ will return personally   and visibly to the earth. Those that are saved will dwell forever in Heaven with the Lord.